by Dependable Construction | Jun 7, 2018 | Basement, Remodeling, Restoration, Tile
With 2 bathrooms being done and one basement, getting 50% of the tile installed by one guy isn’t bad. Given the full size of the room and all the cuts that had to be made
#dcandr #tile #dependabilityfirst #fairbornrestoration #basementremodel
by Dependable Construction | Jun 7, 2018 | Basement, Remodeling, Restoration, Tile
Homeowner picked out some really nice tile for the basement. Its a wood grain tile, looks like hardwood flooring but last forever. This one is a different shade than the tile that was installed in the bathroom.
#dcandr #tile #dependabilityfirst #fairbornrestoration #basementremodel
by Dependable Construction | Jun 7, 2018 | Bathroom, Remodeling, Restoration, Tile
There’s just something about nonstandard size tile that really makes it look great when installed. Everyone wants to do 12″ x 12″, but we really like this tile. Now to just clean it up and get some grout in those joints.
#dcandr #tile #dependabilityfirst #fairbornrestoration #bathroomremodel
by Dependable Construction | Jun 7, 2018 | Bathroom, Remodeling, Restoration, Tile
Got all the tub tile installed in bathroom remodel #1. Just need to do another couple of wipe downs and cleaning the ceiling it’ll look great. Anyone seen the shower curtain?
#dcandr #tile #dependabilityfirst #fairbornrestoration #bathroomremodel
by Dependable Construction | Jun 7, 2018 | Basement, Remodeling, Restoration, Tile
Started laying the basement tile on a project in Fairborn. This is a big job, with work throughout the house, and we just keep on moving.
#dcandr #tile #dependabilityfirst #fairbornrestoration #basementremodel
by Dependable Construction | Jun 6, 2018 | Tile
Took the whole day to remove all the carpet, pad and floor tile. Not very easy or fun to say the least, but thankfully we knocked it out in one day. Tomorrow we can start with the put back.
#dcandr #tile #dependabilityfirst #anotherproject #completed