Old Flooring

Old Flooring

All the old flooring has been removed on the bathroom remodel project. Since tile is going in and above a basement we are adding concrete board down before the tile.

#dcandr #bathroom #customersatisfaction #dependabilityfirst #bathroomremodeling #tile #construction #flooring #dependableconstruction

Business Quote # 530

Business Quote # 530

“Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.” ~ Aristotle

Sad when your tile floor and just pop off these easy.

#businessquotes #dcandr #quote #dependabilityfirst #businessquote

Business Quote # 516

Business Quote # 516

“A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams.” ~ John Barrymore

We also ran the tile throughout the dinning room n this project.

#businessquotes #dcandr #quote #dependabilityfirst #businessquote

Business Quote # 515

Business Quote # 515

“Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.” ~ George S. Patton

Some newly installed tile we just completed on a kitchen project.

#businessquotes #dcandr #quote #dependabilityfirst #businessquote

Tile & Carpet demo

Tile & Carpet demo

Removing some tile and carpet on a project in the area. Once the floor in prepped we’ll install some new hardwood floors.

#dcandr #tile #dependabilityfirst #bathroomremodel #carpet #hardwood #flooring #hardwoodflooring

Another tile job

Another tile job

Installing some more tile on another bathroom project. Knocking out bathroom projects one after the other. We hope they keep coming like this.

#dcandr #tile #dependabilityfirst #bathroomremodel