by Dependable Construction | Oct 27, 2018 | Concrete, Quotes
“In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.” ~ Coco Chanel
Cutting out old tennis court net posts to replace with new ones before we resealed the surface.
#businessquotes #dcandr #quote #dependabilityfirst #businessquote
by Dependable Construction | Oct 5, 2018 | Concrete, Roofing
Tips For Roofing Heights
In our line of work there’s really no getting away from working at height. Needless to say, having safety procedures is key. Below is a small list that Dependable Construction Stands by.
Having knowledge for working with height
Understanding that working up on the roof is a key part of the job for some of us at Dependable Construction. We obviously need our crews and team members to know what needs to be done and how to go about it. Keeping our crews safe is always the number 1 priority. The following are just a few of the guidelines we adhere to when working at height.
Don’t go up there if you don’t have to.
So, we’ve started on the hardest one of all for us to stick to. In our line of work it’s largely unavoidable, but for our residential and commercial customers it certainly rings true. If you’re in any way unsure of whether you can complete whatever has to done on your roof then call the experts straight away. Experience and knowledge mean that we can get the job done quickly, safely and with the least amount of risk.
Prepare well.
Planning the work and equipment you’re going to need if working at height is essential. It’s also worth putting a risk assessment together too, just so you’re fully aware of everything that could occur. Don’t forget, if you’re taking tools and equipment onto a roof the risks may extend to people and items on the ground too.
Using the right equipment.
By now you’ve probably identified what tools you’re going to use when you get up to the rooftop. But, how are you going to get yourself and the bits of kit you need actually up there? Is a ladder going to be sufficient for the job or do you need to use a scaffold? It may even be that powered access equipment might be needed. Whatever decision you come to should be made by sensibly evaluating risk and requirement. Don’t forget to carry out regular checks on any equipment you use too. It might just the difference between staying safe and having an accident.
We make sure that everyone in our team is trained on how to safely work at height. Not only that but they are also proficient in the use of equipment that will get them up to the roof. We’re also sure to constantly look out for each other too, ready to step in if a colleague finds himself or herself in any difficulty.
Evaluate the environment.
Find out as much as you can about the environment you’ll be working in. If equipment needs to be taken up to the roof with you, make sure there’s somewhere where it can be stable and secure. Identify if there are any areas of weakness which could potentially cause any issue to those working at height or down below.
Monitor continually.
Throughout the work make sure that you are constantly reviewing the process and taking note of any changes to your environment. As with our line of work, being out in the open means that it’s important to take note of the weather and what the elements might be about to throw at you.
So, these are just a few of the considerations we take into account before and during a job working at heights. Attention to detail is key and you should take nothing for granted. The bottom line? Always use the experts if you’re in need of work on your roof. Experience and know how are invaluable when working at height. Call us on 937.318.9572 if you are considering having a roofing system installed on your property. You can also check us out on Facebook to see current jobs going on or visit our site

by Dependable Construction | Jul 5, 2018 | Concrete
The scaffolding is all up and ready now. The new correct material should be here soon. The last truck sent the wrong material, 2 weeks ago!
#dcandr #block #concrete #dependabilityfirst #masonry #scaffolding #construction
by Dependable Construction | Jun 11, 2018 | Concrete
Will now the concrete truck is all done, time for them to clean it up and hit the road. We have our share of work to finish once the concrete cures and we can lay seed and straw.
#dcandr #concrete #dependabilityfirst #sidewalk #steps #finishing
by Dependable Construction | Jun 11, 2018 | Concrete
Got one guy in the front yard finishing up the pad edging then moving on to the side yard. Getting close to wrapping up this site. Next step will be some seed and straw.
#dcandr #concrete #dependabilityfirst #sidewalk #steps #finishing
by Dependable Construction | Jun 11, 2018 | Concrete
Got the side walk on the side of the house poured and floated. Giving it a little time to setup while the front walkway get pad lines edged in.
#dcandr #concrete #dependabilityfirst #sidewalk #steps #finishing
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