Window Rot
Look at a couple of windows yesterday. Here is the first one, and the wood has seen better days. The front is starting to rot out and let water in.
#dcandr #window #dependabilityfirst #rot #wood
Look at a couple of windows yesterday. Here is the first one, and the wood has seen better days. The front is starting to rot out and let water in.
#dcandr #window #dependabilityfirst #rot #wood
Property in Minnesota has over 1000+ windows that need the caulking either removed and redone and just plain done in other areas. You can see it’s looking really bad in this picture. We have a mix of first, second and third floor windows to do.
#dcandr #caulking #dependabilityfirst #windows #minnesotarestoration
Outside windows got covered, moving to add some IWS & tyvek over the area. lastly we’ll patch in siding for it.
#dcandr #siding #dependabilityfirst #windows
While we framed out for the old window we also addressed an old door that was there as well. Next up drywall.
#dcandr #olddoor #dependabilityfirst #restoration
Now that we have the old windows removed, it’s time to frame it out and install some insulation + tyvek before patching in siding.
#dcandr #window #dependabilityfirst
Windows viewing nice orange building are doing no good. Ones even broken and boarded. Time to remove, board over and add siding
#dcandr #windows #dependabilityfirst