by Dependable Construction | Jun 7, 2018 | Basement, Remodeling, Restoration, Tile
With 2 bathrooms being done and one basement, getting 50% of the tile installed by one guy isn’t bad. Given the full size of the room and all the cuts that had to be made
#dcandr #tile #dependabilityfirst #fairbornrestoration #basementremodel
by Dependable Construction | Jun 7, 2018 | Bathroom, Plumbing, Remodeling, Restoration
Once the tile was complete we job the finishing hardware installed for the tub and tile faucet. Much nice the the three different handles that were here before.
#dcandr #tile #dependabilityfirst #fairbornrestoration #bathroomremodel #faucet
by Dependable Construction | Jun 7, 2018 | Basement, Remodeling, Restoration, Tile
Homeowner picked out some really nice tile for the basement. Its a wood grain tile, looks like hardwood flooring but last forever. This one is a different shade than the tile that was installed in the bathroom.
#dcandr #tile #dependabilityfirst #fairbornrestoration #basementremodel
by Dependable Construction | Jun 7, 2018 | Bathroom, Remodeling, Restoration, Tile
There’s just something about nonstandard size tile that really makes it look great when installed. Everyone wants to do 12″ x 12″, but we really like this tile. Now to just clean it up and get some grout in those joints.
#dcandr #tile #dependabilityfirst #fairbornrestoration #bathroomremodel
by Dependable Construction | Jun 7, 2018 | Bathroom, Remodeling, Restoration, Tile
Got all the tub tile installed in bathroom remodel #1. Just need to do another couple of wipe downs and cleaning the ceiling it’ll look great. Anyone seen the shower curtain?
#dcandr #tile #dependabilityfirst #fairbornrestoration #bathroomremodel
by Dependable Construction | Jun 7, 2018 | Basement, Remodeling, Restoration, Tile
Started laying the basement tile on a project in Fairborn. This is a big job, with work throughout the house, and we just keep on moving.
#dcandr #tile #dependabilityfirst #fairbornrestoration #basementremodel