Business Quote # 456
“Extraordinary service is the result of anticipating the need and providing the solution before the customer requires it” ~ Unknown
#businessquotes #dcandr #quote #dependabilityfirst #businessquote
“Extraordinary service is the result of anticipating the need and providing the solution before the customer requires it” ~ Unknown
#businessquotes #dcandr #quote #dependabilityfirst #businessquote
“If I had nine hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend the first six sharpening my axe.” ~ Abraham Lincoln
This floor won’t be fun to stripe and wax. Not a fan of dirty vct.
#businessquotes #dcandr #quote #dependabilityfirst #businessquote
“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” ~ Winston Churchill
Liam wanted to come to work with Dad since he also works at “Dependable Destruction.”
#businessquotes #dcandr #quote #dependabilityfirst #businessquote
“Most people have never learned that one of the main aims in life is to enjoy it.” ~ Samuel Butler
Tub and surround on this project will have to be replaced.
#businessquotes #dcandr #quote #dependabilityfirst #businessquote
“We can do anything we want to if we stick to it long enough.” ~ Helen Keller
#businessquotes #dcandr #quote #dependabilityfirst #businessquote
“Our economy is based on spending billions to persuade people that happiness is buying things.” ~ Philip Slater
The condition that some people leave their apartment kitchen is beyond words.
#businessquotes #dcandr #quote #dependabilityfirst #businessquote