Painted Gable
Our new young painter did a really good job! Guess we’ll keep him around to do some more work!
#dcandr #familybusiness #dependabilityfirst #dependableconstruction #construction #painting
Our new young painter did a really good job! Guess we’ll keep him around to do some more work!
#dcandr #familybusiness #dependabilityfirst #dependableconstruction #construction #painting
To learn how to paint trim and other areas we have the rookies practice keeping the paint in the lines.
#dcandr #familybusiness #construction #dependabilityfirst #family #dependableconstruction
We have stepped up our painting and are now doing birdhouses. Next we will move to customers houses!
#dcandr #familybusiness #construction #dependabilityfirst #family #dependableconstruction #fun #birdhouses
Round #2 for painting practice. Got to keep it all on the plate and not the table!
#dcandr #familybusiness #construction #dependabilityfirst #family #dependableconstruction
I think you missed a spot of painting right there!
#dcandr #familybusiness #construction #dependabilityfirst #family #dependableconstruction
Cleaning spilt paint up is easier once it has dried and harden.
#dcandr #familybusiness #painting #dependabilityfirst #tip #dependableconstruction