Bundt Cake

Bundt Cake

For everyone doing the Tide Pod challenge you should check out whats under the toilet one as well, its a bundt cake.

#dcandr #tidepod #dependabilityfirst #toiletcake

Licorice Challenge

Licorice Challenge

For everyone doing the Tide Pod challenge be sure to check out the Licorice that’s in the breaker box one as well

#dcandr #tidepod #dependabilityfirst #licorice

Dippin Dots

Dippin Dots

For everyone out there doing the Tide Pod challenge be sure to check out the Dippin Dots one as well

#dcandr #tidepod #dependabilityfirst #dippindots



Adjusting to Survive the Future in Roofing

OMG! I feel like I becoming more like my parents every day? I remember them having all sorts of biases, prejudices and sometimes even intolerance with my generation. As a result, their perceptions didn’t always help their relationships with the people my age that they worked with. Frankly, they just didn’t understand. But they did adjust, thankfully!

So, who are the Millennial’s we hear so much about? Well there are multiple definitions. Think of us as somewhere between age 20 and 34; sometimes often referred to as “Generation Y.” As a stereotype, you might have heard somebody describe us as overly ambitious, lazy, too entitled and misunderstanding our “place” in the company.

There’s no question that in general, we really are different than the generations that came before them. The reality is, we’re the future! If you want to ensure sustainable success of your business — even long after you’ve retired years from now, then it’s critical to adapt. That means gaining insight into our similarities and differences, and then adjusting your management approach so that you’re developing future leaders that will eventually build on the company’s legacy.

Here are five things I’ve learned about adjusting to leading a team with Millennials.

1)       Millennials can and will multi-task multiple times faster than most of us ever could. That said, make sure you provide them the technology that you likely won’t totally understand, but that they require to be effective.

2)      Millennials embrace frequent feedback. Remember, however, that this is the generation that if they don’t receive 20 Facebook likes, retweets and pins then it wasn’t valuable in the first place.

3)      Millennials are all about collaboration. For perspective, when we went to school we sat in our chairs, did our work and got our own grade. Millennials did much of their school work in teams.

4)      Millennials are often very socially aware and demand insight into the “greater purpose” of what they’re doing. Just understanding what needs to be done often isn’t enough.

5)      They think about “work/life” balance — a lot. Their view of a workday doesn’t often fit the “8-5” view we grew up with. They’re attitude is “Tell me what needs to get done – and I’ll get it done!”