

Congratulations to Mike, one of our guys that went out the other day and sold a 23k+ project in Fairborn. Man knows sales that’s for sure!

#dcandr #sales #dependabilityfirst #congrats #congratulations #hardwork #alwaysworking

Roofs for Troops

Roofs for Troops

Great incentive for veterans’ through GAF $250 back on a full roof replacement. Call for details @ 937.318.9572

#dcandr #roofing #dependabilityfirst #GAF

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

Marks Jesus’sΒ entrance into Jerusalem, when palm branches were placed in his path, before his arrest and his crucifixion.

#dcandr #palmsunday #dependabilityfirst

Yard Brownies

Yard Brownies

For everyone doing the Tide Pod challenge be sure to check the new challenge that’s out, the yard brownie.

#dcandr #tidepod #dependabilityfirst #yardbrownie