Bathroom Flooring
Old vinyl flooring removed and new Shaw vinyl plank being installed.
#dcandr #bathroom #customersatisfaction #dependabilityfirst #bathroomremodeling #tile #construction #flooring #dependableconstruction
Old vinyl flooring removed and new Shaw vinyl plank being installed.
#dcandr #bathroom #customersatisfaction #dependabilityfirst #bathroomremodeling #tile #construction #flooring #dependableconstruction
Here is a better view of the tile that was installed. Really pulls together the cabinets, countertop, backsplash.
#dcandr #familybusiness #dependabilityfirst #dependableconstruction #construction #kitchenremodel, #cabinets, #countertops, #flooring
Never fun finding #asbestos glue under new flooring another contractor installed.
#dcandr #construction #dependabilityfirst #flooring #dependableconstruction
“He who knows, does not speak. He who speaks, does not know.” Lao Tzu
Got to protect the new wood flooring installed while other project in the house are being completed.
#businessquotes #dcandr #quote #dependabilityfirst #businessquote
“Don’t wait. The time will never be just right.” ~ Mark Twain
A path leading to every project in the house.
#businessquotes #dcandr #quote #dependabilityfirst #businessquote
“Wherever you are, be totally there.” ~ Eckart Tolle
New flooring installed on a flood claim project we are on. It seem like the work flow is never ending.
#businessquotes #dcandr #quote #dependabilityfirst #businessquote