by Dependable Construction | May 30, 2018 | Fencing
Starting to install some 4×4 post on a property for the privacy fence. Not a very big job, and it’s also one that doesn’t pay, but always enjoy helping out. This one is for the VFW and you can never thank a vet enough.
#dcandr #privacyfence #dependabilityfirst #fence #VFW #fencebuilder #honorvets
by Dependable Construction | Dec 14, 2017 | Fencing
View of the second section of wall that will be replaced with either a new brick wall of wood privacy fence. All come Spring.
#dcandr #wall #dependabilityfirst
by Dependable Construction | Dec 14, 2017 | Fencing
Looking to rebuild this wall wants another company comes in to remove. 300″+ long. May go with brick or privacy fence.
#dcandr #brick #dependabilityfirst