Older deck had areas where it was starting to come apart. Remember always we screws and lags on a deck. We had to install lags as well.

#deck #dcandr #dependabilityfirst

Trek Steps

Trek Steps

Now the steps match the top of the deck. Really wanted to do the handrails. Maybe they’ll have ’em done this coming spring.

#steps #dcandr #steps #dependabilityfirst

Demo Steps

Demo Steps

Deck steps we had to remove last week to replace with treks. Did trek boards over the summer, customer waited to complete.

#deck #dcandr #steps #dependabilityfirst



The weather is too cold for grinding. But this is the issue we have in front of us. Steel is 2″ maybe 2 1/2″ thick, not fun.

#dcandr #grinding #dependabilityfirst

Staircase view 3

Staircase view 3

Final view, top and bottom of all boards covered in a nice layer of Deck & Dock. You should try this product out.

#dcandr #dependabilityfirst #SherwinWilliams

Staircase view 2

Staircase view 2

After boards were replaced a nice coat of brown Deck & Dock was applied, one 4×4 left to paint. Love this stuff.

#dcandr #dependabilityfirst #SherwinWilliams