As rainy and snowy seasons loom, it’s important to make sure you take care of your roof so that it can protect you. Dayton, Ohio-based Dependable Construction & Remodeling has provided residential and commercial roofing services in and around Dayton, Ohio since 2004. A family-owned business, Dependable Construction & Remodeling also works with siding and gutter installation and maintenance. But as the weather turns nasty, Dependable Construction & Remodeling suggests focusing on roof repair to protect yourself from the impeding elements.

Roof leaks can cause all kinds of trouble in a home or commercial building. The three most common places where leaks can occur in your house are in/around the following:

  • Chimneys
  • Skylights
  • Roof Valleys (the point of intersection between two parts of roofing)

Knowing these locations is the first step to preventing major roof repair. Next, it’s important to take care of the existing infrastructure. Dependable Construction & Remodeling recommends the taking following five actions:

  • Raking snow
  • Scrubbing away moss, fungi, and algae
  • Removing debris
  • Trimming nearby trees and branches
  • Avoiding bird nests and other nesting creatures


These tips will help protect your roof, but if leakage still occurs, Dependable Construction & Remodeling can repair or replace your roofing depending on the extent of the damage. If roof replacement is the only option, they’re also able to install metal roofing. Call the roofing company today at (937) 318.9572 to discuss your repair/replacement options and request a free estimate. And for a full list of services in addition to roofing, visit Dependable Construction & Remodeling online and on Facebook.


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